
Security risks teamviewer unattended access
Security risks teamviewer unattended access

They can be unavoidably required in situations where a client organization’s technical support vendor is thousands of miles away (say in New York) and an issue requires the vendor staff to access a server or device within an organization’s network that is located in Lagos for just 30 minutes to fix a matter. It can especially be useful for small businesses that may not have staff onsite to perform certain tasks or big businesses who wish to cut down on their support cost. Remote access software is a valuable tool for the mobile workforce.

security risks teamviewer unattended access

remote control software) are very useful tools that serve in different occasion, from enabling your support vendor who is located 3000 miles away troubleshoot a server or network incident, to remotely performing administration function on servers running in your Hong Kong data center from your London office.

Security risks teamviewer unattended access